Medical Decontamination

Peacocks Medical Group are specialists in supplying medical decontamination equipment to hospitals, clinics and surgeries.

We supply a comprehensive range of medical washers, sterilises / autoclaves for the Healthcare sector.

Peacocks are able to offer medical washers from 10 and 15 DIN washers to large multi-chamber tunnels and theatre cart and theatre bed washers, all compliant to HTM 01-01, HTM 01-06 and EN ISO 15883 – 1,2 standards. We also offer a range of eco-friendly washers, to help UK hospitals, clinics and surgeries to save money and natural resources.

Our range of sterilisers includes smaller free standing units to large 61 cu.ft  sterilisers for both medical & waste treatment and even Low Temperature sterilisers for heat sensitive items.

We offer a full in-house installation, validation, and on-going maintenance service via our dedicated, fully qualified, factory-trained Engineering Team.


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