Kid's Questions & Answers


We know it can be a daunting experience going to hospital for an appointment. 


You may have many questions you want answering, or just some reassurance about what will happen during your appointment.


At Peacocks, we're here to support and help you at every step of the way; from providing information before you attend clinic, to explaining what might happen when you're there, and even what to expect after your visit!


The links on this page will give you a lot of useful information and please spend some time having a look. 


You can 'Meet an Orthotist' who will answer a number of useful questions such as, "Can I go to school wearing my orthoses?" and "Will I have to wear my orthoses all of the time?" 


You can also watch videos with useful information, choose the designs you might wish to have on your device, and even see how an orthotic device is manufactured through our factory.


There's also a telephone number and email address so that you can contact us if you have other questions or need advice, and we promise we'll get back to you within 24 hours.


Going to hospital or wearing an orthoses should not be a scary experience and we hope this information makes you feel more confident about what to expect.


Take care,


The Peacocks Team  x  

Please get in touch by emailing us using or calling us on 0191 2769600 and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.